13 January 2008

Delusione amara

Well, the citizenship gambits all crashed and burned, so I'm left with my original plan A: living in Italy for three years, and applying at the end of the second (the old Art. 9, comma 1, lettera a del legge 5 febbraio 1992 n. 91 deal). I don't know why it knocked me back so much, I guess it is hard to imagine both of us being able to get over there and work as stranieri for three years. The idea of getting citizenship first seemed so much easier - D even joked that she might marry me now! But as always with me it seems, the right path is the hardest path. So be it.

Chilling around the apt today with a broken refrigerator, and still shaking off the effects of a rough Friday night. We keep asking ourselves why we do this to ourselves - we both seem to have such an appetite for self-destruction.

But the sun is out! Finally! Another beautiful California January day...

1 comment:

Roam2Rome said...

Wow, that's too bad. It's tough to work in Italy as stranieri, that's for sure...

Broken refrigerator? Ah, that reminds of my college days in Italian dorms when we didn't have a refrigerator, so during the winters, we used to put our perishables out the window :) It worked! But here in California, it might not be so cold out, is it?

In bocca al lupo...