05 November 2005

Sick and tired...

I'm feeling all queasy, probably because of a pork tamale I bought from the cart lady in front of the Appletree. I'm sure it has nothing to do with the shot of Skyy I did to sterilise my gullet... feh.

And I'm sure it has nothing to do with the piece I just read about the new American gulag. I mean, I'm not a bit surprised, the rumours have been going around for years and it is perfectly in line with all the things we know the government are doing. I guess just reading about it in the mainstream media makes it really unavoidable. And here am I, a citizen of the great evil empire of the planet, better positioned than most of humanity to take some positive action to right the wrongs, so what am I up to? Working on getting EU citizenship! No wonder I feel like hurling.

The weekend's here though. That's a plus. And I got Thursday and Friday of Thanksgiving weekend off fuck yeah! D has to work, of course... I wanted to take a trip with her, but I may just take one by myself.

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