Obviously, to me anyway, the relationship comes first. I put all this energy into my solitary spiritual trip and now I am broadening that out to include a relationship, making a home with someone... and blending our spiritual energies in a way that makes sense for both of us. I am really building momentum on my health, adding more and more good habits and building up positive feedback. My work is also important, not as an end in itself really, but as another sort of creative expression. Learning, it seems like, is part of my art form and so I am learning a lot at work.
I feel like history is swirling all around me, that we are moving into this incredible historic moment with the spread of war, environmental devastation and the beginning of the collapse of the Empire. I have put so much energy over the past 10 years or so learning about the state of the world and now I have all this information and so little of a sense of what to do with it. I guess I don't feel there's very much that can happen to affect the enormous momentum of events, but maybe there are things that can help people handle the consequences of events and begin to recapture some of their power.
Traveling with my girl is huge. The trip to Italy this year, and Venezuela next year, absolutely have to happen. These plans affect the choices I make about work, which is why I am working so hard these days. A lot of the leisure learning I am doing: advancing my Italian, world affairs, history... these will all also giude my travel plans and the things I want to learn about the world.
So, here I am. Every day, these are my priorities:
- Build the relationship and treat D with greater love, respect and kindness every day
- Take time for meditation and be thankful for all the good things in my life
- Add positive health habits regularly
- Keep learning new things and write more
- Think about how to help others and save the world