25 October 2007

more depredations of the Scary Dysfunctional Father in the Sky

The stupid... it burns:
They shook their fists at God and said, “We don’t care what God says, we will issue our legal brief to support gay marriage in San Diego!” Then Mayor Jerry Sanders mocked the Christian vote and signed off on this rebellious legal document to support same-sex marriage. And then the streets of La Jolla under the Mt. Soledad Cross began to cave in.

They shook their fists at God and said, “We don’t care what the Bible says, We want the California school children indoctrinated into homosexuality!” And then Governor Schwarzenegger signed into law the heinous SB777 which bans the use of “mom” and “dad” in the text books and promotes homosexuality to all school children in California.

And then the wildfires of Southern California engulfed the land like a raging judgment against the radicalized anti-christian California rebels.
Crazy frickin' me: I thought it was al Qaeda...

1 comment:

Tui Snider said...

Man, that is one wacked out perspective on things. (I always thought the Old Testament God needed some anger management therapy, the way he was smoting people on a whim. Poor Onan got zapped just for masturbating. Say, do you still go to heaven if you're smote? Or is it an express trip to the eternal barbecue?)

Sad thing is, this guy probably votes. Yikes. :/